
Gradual progress

Tested the generator system for the tool, which will now seamlessly handle changes in the resource tree while the user is working on it, not like the old one that used a complicated and error prone recursive algorithm to do the same.
Added a valuebar widget to the GUI sys, and started working on the texture generator windows. Texture preview works and the basics are there for the texture parameter window - which is assembled on the fly from the parameters of the texture filter.
I think the texture generator will be completely functional sometime late next week.



My oldest partner-in-crime now knows of the project. Welcome aboard :)

Missing GUI elements

Before I can truly work on the ui for the tool I still have a list of widgets to implement, which should be fairly easy compared to the textbox:

*Value/text input fields
*Drop-down menus


Black Triangle

This test proves the texgen renderer core functions perfectly. It's not much to look at, but consider it a Black Triangle.

Now all I need is a user interface, which will be made up of:
*The texture filter editor
*A texture page list to organize stuff
*A preview window to see what's going on
*A parameter window to tweak things
*And of course the operator graph view to connect the filters


Texgen basics

Managed to think the texture generator through.
I'm dropping operator stacking for this one, a graph based interface might get more messy but is easier to implement - not to mention the lack of special cases like NOP operators and the like.

The basic texture effect comes down to a simplified version of my old design: one pixel shader (ps2.0 for size and compatibility reasons), a fixed number of passes with this shader plus optional noise data. Everything I have in mind should be possible to implement with this, except for the very special cases (image loading and text render), which will still have to be done on the cpu, but d3dx will help out on both accounts.
I'll hopefully manage to implement texture-graph templates this time around, but that one is a low priority target at the moment.



Designing the resource framework now, with shaders being the first try with it. This is the second "code a lot without seeing anything" session during this project.
The new framework will allow for automatic optimal exports for any resource, meaning that if I want to export for example a model, only the stuff required to generate it will be saved.
The new resource code will also make consistency checking a lot easier. No more crashing because of deleted texture operators.

Syntax Highlighting



Work is going well on the textbox for the shader editor. This is probably the single most complicated thing I'll write before I get to the modelling part. Editing, copypaste, cursor movement, undo/redo will work just like they do in visual studio so it's comfortable. I'll even try to implement some sort of syntax highlighting.
This should be done by the end of the week and I'll be starting work on the texgen after that.


Project Roadmap

I think I should do a roadmap of the project to realize the scope of it.
Since this is going to be a 64k intro tool, I'll need lots of generative content creation assets:

-GPU based texture generator
      *The shader handling system in the 3D engine
      *A shader editor in the tool (with syntax highlighting)
      *The texture generator framework to work with shaders
      *The user interface

-Material editor
      *Finished Material System
      *User interface

-A basic mesh editor
      *3D Display in the tool
      *Mesh system
      *Lots of mesh generators and modifiers
      *User interface

      *Spline system
      *Scene graph system
      *User interface

      *Simple event system
      *User interface


Black and white just won't do for the interface, so the lack of a graphician on the project compelled me to reach out to alternate sources.
Hopefully it won't burn anyone's eyes out or I might have to recruit a pro for the UI job.


Let there be text

Managed not to make a mess of things until now, everything is being kept simple. Smart UI rendering, text display and UI windows are working now.
At this rate I can start coding the actual tool with the new framework within a week.


Push it

Mouse movement handling is done, finally a system that might work seamlessly with the UI system.
And thus simple, working buttons have arrived! :)



So I'm starting from scratch, only thing I'm keeping from the old codebase is a mutilated dynamic array class.
After a few hours of coding I have a DirectX window and the base of the UI display framework. Feels a lot cleaner than the old one for now, but we'll see.
Time to start messing with window messages.

Here we go again

Well it has come to this again:
time to click NEW PROJECT...

Only difference this time is that I feel like I know what I'm doing. So why not document the effort.